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Oceanic Overview

Pacific Oceanic Partnership

The pages contained within the Oceanic section of this website act as the Local Instructions, as required under Section 2.3(3) of the Pacific Oceanic Letter of Agreement.


VATNZ is responsible for three Oceanic FIRs in the Pacific area, and can be logged onto by anybody who possesses an Oceanic Endorsement:

  • NZZO - Auckland Oceanic
  • NZCM - McMurdo Oceanic
  • NTTT - Tahiti Oceanic

VATNZ is responsible for maintaining these sectors, as well as any aerodromes or services that fall within them.

Pacific Oceanic Agreement

VATNZ is party to the Pacific Oceanic Letter of Agreement - allowing any Oceanic Controller from a participating organisation to control any of the participating FIR's Oceanic positions.

VATNZ and VATPAC Reciprocal Controller Rights

You should note that the Pacific Oceanic LOA and the VATNZ/VATPAC Inter-Division Visiting Controller LoAs are different, although achieving largely the same outcome.

The Visiting Controller Policy allows any VATPAC Controller to control within any VATNZ FIR as if it were their Home Division, providing they're controlling in line with their rating or endorsements.

The Pacific Oceanic Agreement specifically authorises only Oceanic Endorsed Controllers to control only Oceanic Positions in any FIR - this does not authorise them to control any other position, such as a Tower or Enroute.

Oceanic Control FIRs in the Pacific

Oceanic Control FIRs in the Pacific. Not shown are VATMEX's Oceanic FIRs.

The following Divisions are participants to the agreement:


Control Positions

Sector Name Callsign Frequency Logon ID Division Notes
KZAK - Oakland Oceanic San Francisco Radio 11.282 (129.400) ZAK_FSS VATUSA
YBBB - Brisbane Oceanic Brisbane Radio 17.904 (124.650) BN-TSN_FSS VATPAC Also controls AGGG, ANAU
YMMM - Melbourne Oceanic Melbourne Radio 17.904 (124.650) ML-IND_FSS VATPAC
NZZO - Auckland Oceanic Auckland Radio 8.867 (129.000) NZZO_FSS VATNZ Can be split into -E sector
NZZO-TSN - Auckland Oceanic (Tasman) Auckland Radio 5.567 (129.500) NZZO-TSN_FSS VATNZ
NZCM - McMurdo Oceanic McMurdo Radio 9.032 (128.700) NZCM_FSS VATNZ
NFFF - Nadi Oceanic Nadi Radio 8.846 (123.600) NFFF_FSS VATPAC
NTTT - Tahiti Oceanic Tahiti Radio 9.116 (125.500) NTTT_FSS VATPAC
RJTG - Tokyo Oceanic Tokyo Radio VATJPN
MMFO - Mexico

Use of the /O Suffix

Controllers are no longer required to use the /O suffix when logging onto Oceanic positions. This is due to the Division Controller Roster fulfilling the requirements for publishing a Controller's right to control Oceanic positions.

Currency Requirements

In order to utilise your Oceanic Endorsement, and by extension, exercise your rights under the Pacific Oceanic Agreement, you must meet the following criteria:

  • A Participating Organisation must require a permitted controller to log 1 hour on a permitted oceanic position, within the previous 3 months, for them to be considered active; and
  • A permitted controller who does not meet the hour requirement specified above, will be considered inactive; and
  • An inactive permitted controller may become active again, by performing a buddy session with a permitted controller who is approved to do so by that PO; and
  • Any additional currency or activity requirements imposed by a PO on local or visiting controllers do not apply to permitted controllers.

Procedures for participating Oceanic Sectors

Procedures for Divisions that are participating in the Pacific Oceanic Agreement can be found in the following table.

Sectors Divison Procedures Link
RJTG VATJPN To be added
MMFO VATMEX To be added
KZAK VATUSA ZAK Standard Operating Procedure