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NZQN - Queenstown


Position Name Shortcode Callsign Frequency Login ID Usage
Queenstown DLV DQN Queenstown Delivery 121.900 NZQN_DEL Secondary
Queenstown ADC TQN Queenstown Tower 118.100 NZQN_TWR Primary
Queenstown TMA QTMA Queenstown Approach 125.750 NZQN_APP Primary

Event Only Positions


The following are designated as Event Only positions, and may only be staffed during a VATNZ event where approved, or if explicitly authorised by the Operations Director.

Position Name Shortcode Callsign Frequency Login ID Usage
Queenstown Ground GQN Queenstown Ground 128.300 NZQN_GND Events - Traffic Management


The Queenstown CTR/C follows the lateral boundaries as shown below from SFC to A075. The CTR/C comprises of one large sector.

Queenstown Control Zone

Queenstown Control Zone (CTR/C)

Areas of Responsibility

The areas of responsibility are as depicted below.

Queenstown Areas of Responsibility

Queenstown Areas of Responsibility

Transfer of Control Points

Transfer Flow Requirements Notes
Delivery -> Ground Once PDC has been issued either through Voice or DCL. This is only effective if Ground is online otherwise the aircraft is transferred to Tower
Ground -> Tower Prior to arriving at their assigned hold, once clear of other traffic. This is only effective if Ground is online
Tower -> Approach For airline traffic, when airborne. For GA, when leaving the zone, if applicable.
Approach -> Tower When established on an instrument final, or if on an RNP approach, overhead the IAF.
Tower -> Ground Once clear of the active runway. This is only effective if Ground is online otherwise aircraft remain with Tower

Control Positions

Clearance Delivery

Clearances shall be issued by Queenstown Delivery (if online) and may be given via DCL or voice.


The following only applies if Ground is online, otherwise these operations will be managed by the Tower.


Pushback and start up clearances are managed by the Ground Controller. For pushbacks on apron areas the phraseology “Push your discretion” is used to indicate that the pushback is contained within an uncontrolled portion of the movement area and that ATC may not be aware of all apron activity.


If Ground is online taxi instructions will be issued by them, otherwise it is delegated to Tower.

Use of Holding Points

Runway 23 Runway 05
A4 A3


These assignments are in place to ensure departing aircraft can backtrack and line up simultaneously to arriving aircraft backtracking and vacating the active runway, increasing the overall efficiency of airfield movements.

If 14/32 is to be used for light aircraft, then holding points are to be used as required or if specifically requested by the pilot.


The Tower Controller is responsible for all arrivals and departures, plus any VFR aircraft operating within the QN CTR/C.

Unless established within the aerodrome circuit, Tower must ensure that no VFR aircraft are present within the Instrument Sector when an aircraft is beyond the FAP of the active approach procedure. VFR aircraft are not authorised to operate under any approach path, or within 3nm laterally of the approach path.

Aircraft that have been cleared to operate in accordance with the Northbound or Southbound visual procedures are deemed to be separated from IFR arrivals on the RNP (AR) approaches, as these run East and West.


Aircraft departures shall be managed in-line with the Runway Operations section

SID Assignment

Runway Procedure Allowed A/C Categories RNP-AR Required Notes
05 ANPOV #A Cat A to C Yes Preferred Jet Northbound
05 BRIDGE # Cat A to C No Strictly Visual Procedure
05 IPNOR #A Cat A to C Yes Preferred Jet International
05 DOVMA #A Cat B only Yes
05 GIXEL # Cat A to C No Contains a visual segment
Runway Procedure Allowed A/C Categories RNP-AR Required Notes
23 ANPOV #B Cat A to C Yes Preferred Jet Northbound
23 FRANKTON # Cat A to C No Strictly Visual Procedure
23 IPNOR #B Cat A to C Yes Preferred Jet International
23 REDOL #B Cat B only Yes
23 VAPLI # Cat A to C No Contains a visual segment


Helicopter operations are very frequent within Queenstown CTR/C, usually operating outside Tower's airspace but must be managed with care.


A reminder that Queenstown Tower must ensure that no VFR aircraft are present within the Instrument Sector when an aircraft is beyond the FAP of the active approach procedure.